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You’ll Love This: Young Patriot Speaks Out about What America Means to Him

Age does not define an American patriot. Heart, spirit, compassion and faith are essential and unique qualities that a patriot does possess. Read and learn about Eight-year-old Ohioan Cannon Wagner’s patriotic view of what America means to him, in his own words. See why this young writer and soon to be movie actor wants to share his American Dream with the nation.

What America Means to Me
by Cannon Wagner

“Hi everyone! My name is Cannon Wagner. I’m eight years old and in second grade at Waite Elementary School in Medina, Ohio. My grampa’s friend Mr. Fobbs asked me to write a few words about what America means to me and what I can do in my lifetime to make her stronger, better and keep her FREE!

I love my country because it is the land of plenty. Not only do we have plenty of food, we have plenty of love to share what we have with the less fortunate. My mom & dad tell me that America may have its ups and downs but she’s the best country on this whole big planet! She shines freedom. My grampa told me another word for freedom is liberty. He says they are two separate words with the same meaning and they both come with a high price. I asked him to explain. Grampa says America is over 240 years old and in those 240 years a whole lot of men and women died making sure America stayed free.

Grampa said that his grampa fought in France in world war one and his daddy fought in North Africa, Sicily and another place called Italy in World War 2. My gramma says her daddy was a Marine and fought at a place called North Korea. I asked grampa why were they sent so far away? He said there are countries in the world that don’t want people to be free and be able to think for themselves. These bad countries want to hold their people down and control their lives. He told me that any country and or government that treats their people that way is a threat to that people and a threat to America and it’s better to fight the bad people in their backyard than on ours.

So, I think that even though I’m just a kid I have a responsibility to my country and my people. Daddy tells me that by simply keeping my grades up and helping around the house and being a good friend and neighbor helps my country. So, I pray to God, thanking him for putting me in America with my family and friends and even my little brother Troy. Well, I think that’s all I got to say. I hope Mr. Fobbs likes this! Bye everyone!
God Bless America – Cannon Wagner”

Cannon, I believe that Ohio and the nation will not only like your message of the hope and promise that America offers, but many, many of them will share it with others, including with President Donald Trump. The leaders of the future are in America’s classrooms of today. Cannon Wagner is one of those future leaders.

Cannon Wagner is a new We The Kids KBN See Action News Reporter, American Christian Civil Rights Movement Ascension Magazine Kids Korner writer and will appear in the movie Never Again.

Images: CC0 Creative Commons; Excerpted from:

Cannon Wagner Photo: Cannon Wagner – We The Kids – photo credit – Gary Wagner

Kevin Fobbs

Kevin Fobbs has more than 35 years of wide-ranging experience as a community and tenant organizer, Legal Services outreach program director, public relations consultant, business executive, gubernatorial and presidential appointee, political advisor, widely published writer, and national lecturer. Kevin is co-chair and co-founder of AC-3 (American-Canadian Conservative Coalition) that focuses on issues on both sides of the border between the two countries.