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News Clash

The Hunter Biden Smoking Gun Bombshell — As Described By The Committee Chair

Here at ClashDaily, we understand that masculinity isn’t ‘toxic’, real masculinity is, by nature heroic.

It looked like just another press conference, where an obscure committee chair announced to any reporters who cared what the business of the day might be. This presser may have changed history.

Until now, Democrats have cried bloody murder over most Hunter Biden whistleblower reports raised by the GOP because there is exactly ONE lawful way for certain sensitive information to be released to the whole of Congress. It must go through the Ways and Means Committee.

It just so happens that the business of the day had specific allegations to make not only about Hunter Biden’s evidence criminality being much greater than anything the DOJ slapped his wrists for, it also made specific allegations about political interference in several departments by Joe Biden’s White House and the DOJ.

We at ClashDaily were in the process of transcribing and summarizing the (still-obscure) story yesterday afternoon, but it got bumped by another story, about articles of impeachment.

Before we could get back to it, the Ways and Means report had gained traction everywhere and the detailed summary we had been making of the meeting was redundant.

But the story still matters, both in the moment and for posterity. So instead of our original report, here is the Committee chair explaining the key points:

Here is a little context showing us just how ‘seriously’ the White House has been taking this story since it broke yesterday.

Hunter is rubbing elbows at a State Dinner at the White House?
Meeting foreign dignitaries?
Hunter might call it ‘Networking’.

(So much for that mantra of ‘no one is above the law’.)

Let’s begin.

Inaccurate? That doesn’t seem like the right word.

Maybe Spock can help us find a better description of Garland’s Sworn Testimony:

Liar? Yeah. That seems like a better fit.
Perjurer? That has a good ring to it as well.

Cue up the left’s beloved ‘Hamilton‘…

You’ll need it for the next tweet:

No authority for a search warrant of a president’s property? That sounds like a detail Trump’s legal team might want to take note of.

This puts the Russian Disinformation story in a whole different light. If only someone had tried to set us straight on the issue. Like, oh, I dunno, John Ratcliffe? Oh that’s right. He DID, but the news media wanted to believe the Biden-friendly BS narrative instead.

(That’s a pattern we’ve been seeing a lot, now isn’t it?)

Investigators closed ranks to make sure nobody looked into possible criminality involving Joe Biden.

Leadership in FBI contacted leadership in Secret Service, kneecapping the investigation.

(Contrast that to Comey bragging about exploiting and betraying Gen Flynn’s trust in order to destroy him.)

Obstruction of justice? Unlawful retaliation?

The only reason the statute of limitations ran out on Hunter was because a corrupt law enforcement agency deliberately ran out the clock to defend… Hunter…?
Some thing bigger…?

That’s the point. We’re not supposed to know.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker