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Roseanne Reveals That ABC Was Sidelining Her From Her Own Show BEFORE The Fateful Tweet (VIDEO)

The tweet was a middle finger to ABC and the former Obama administration.

On her new podcast that debuted this week, Roseanne Barr tells Jack Posobiec of Human Events that she already knew that ABC was stealing her life’s work and looking for a way to ditch her before the infamous tweet about former Obama advisor and close friend, Valerie Jarrett.

She said that the president of ABC was “a friend of Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett” and was undermining her from the very beginning.

Barr said that when she asked the head writer “that I hired” when the writers were going to start, he replied, “Oh, the writers are already back Roseanne, and they want you to come in and say hi.”

“I ran the writer’s room, and I knew then that they had stolen my show,” she said.

She said that she decided at that point, “F**k you! You took my show — I’ll leave you with a tweet.”

The Jewish comedian decided to take a jab at what she saw as the Obama Administration’s anti-Semitism, the terrible Iran Deal, and the woman who may or may not have been having back-channel conversations with Iran about it — former Senior Advisor to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett.

In the clip, Roseanne’s Jake Pentland said that he’s happy that she’s finally talking about it and said that she should have made all of this public back when it happened.

Roseanne had also said this a couple of weeks ago on Tim Pool’s show in the Members Only After-show, but it’s just getting traction now.



From Human Events:

Barr said later that night was when she sent the tweet which read, “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” with vj meaning Valerie Jarrett, a former Barack Obama advisor.
“So you’re saying though, that they had basically taken your show even before that?” Posobiec asked.
“Yeah, the very day,” Barr said adding that she “got all drunk and went f*ck you.”
“Because that’s not the narrative. The narrative is, ‘oh because of the tweet,’ but you’re saying that the setup — and based on what I had been saying … they were planning to phase you out even before that?” Posobiec asked.
“Yeah, they had taken my show and I realized that on Labor Day, so I was like, Okay, well, here’s a tweet for you. And I woke up at 1 am, and … I felt like God was waking me up,” Barr said.
Recalling sending the tweet, Barr said Jarrett and the photo of a character from Planet of the Apes movie “looked exactly alike, and so I captioned it. I captioned a meme.”
Barr said that knowing they were getting rid of her, “I went, f*ck you. You took my show. I’m gonna leave you with a tweet.”

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker