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ANSWER ISN’T ATTACKING GUN RIGHTS! Message to Tony Herbert on Gun Control

Our friends over on the anti-gun side of the house are once again indirectly blaming all of the illegal gun violence in NYC on legal gun owners. I extend an invitation to Tony Herbert or his friends to join me on my show, The Hidden Report.

I understand what he is trying to do, and I respect the efforts. However, coming after our already bastardized and limited second amendment rights is not the answer. The answer is giving the kids out here something to do, creating real opportunities for them.

Listen to this and think about what I am saying. What are your thoughts on this?

Image: Screen shot from:

Angel Rodriguez

Angel is a blogger with appearances on The National Geographic Channel, MTV, HLN, FOX 5, HOT 97 FM, NY1, Bronxnet and many popular online sites. He is a U.S Air Force Veteran, Political Columnist, Musician, MMA Fighter, Foodie, and the Host of The Hidden Report Talk Show. Follow Angel on twitter and most social media via @AngelRdotMe