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2012 ElectionHistoryOpinionPhilosophyPolitics

Not Morning In America, But MOURNING In America

Yes, I will recognize that it wasn’t Reagan’s Morning in America that was the result of Tuesday’s election, but half the country is in Mourning in America.
There’s a lot that can be said about this past Tuesday’s election but we’ve all heard the blather and blaming ad nauseum by now.
I believe this election spoke unequivocally about the depth of wantonness in the souls of at least half the electorate. Half the voters chose the love of nation and for the good and benefit of their fellow citizens. And by a razor-thin edge, they lost.
The other half proved that the NEA successfully completed their carefully plotted hit job on the American Public school system. A crop of illiterate, feel-good, American Idol addicts that, in the greatest information age known to man, chose to be vacuous and vulnerable to every wolf in a designer suit and a paltering promise on his tongue.
People who displayed chosen blindness, deafness and selfish self-serving behavior, they were voting for instant gratification, a big papa, a genie in a lamp, Santa Claus. And make no mistake, what we sow, we reap; nothing is free. The myopic, gluttonous, Me-first generation will reap what they’ve sown, in slavery to big Papa?
And as they refused to heed our warnings, so will their cries for help be unheeded.  
A friend sent a quote to me, which was so spot on I have to share it:

Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the ‘new, wonderful, good society’ which shall now be Rome’s, interpreted to mean: more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.

~Marcus Tullius Cicero

I concur — but, let me add, I also hold Caesar culpable.
Peter Hitchens (conservative brother of the late Christopher Hitchens) wrote the following in conclusion of the election of Obama: “And now the US, like Britain before it, has begun the long slow descent into the Third World. How sad. Where now is our last best hope on Earth?”
I believe the last, best hope for this world still lies in America. But it’s time for some soul-searching. If those of us who knew what the truth was and failed to share it with our neighbors because we assumed that believing was all that was required to prevail … we were tragically wrong. Conservatives do NOT have a platform problem, we have a communication problem. It was the reason we lost this race and it will continue to be the reason for many more loses if we fail to correct one major flaw: We love to use the name of Reagan, but fail to share the same as Reagan.
He knew his plan was the right one for America … and he never backed down from that. What he DID do was, as the Great Communicator, find a way to tell those on the opposing side: Our plan is good for YOU and good for all Americans … come join us!
We know our plan is good (I hope) … now let’s work hard for the next four years to communicate that plan.
Let’s honor the Gipper’s memory … and bless America again.
Let’s turn our mourning … into morning once more, in America!

Audrey Russo

Audrey Russo is the Host of the weekly REELTalk Radio Show (NYC). Audrey writes a column for and handles Middle East/National Security/Terrorism/Cultural Issues, and her articles can be read in several other news/opinion journals. She is also a contributor on Audrey's Radio Show can also be heard on the Leading Edge Radio Network. Audrey is also an active member of the NYC performing arts community as a singer and actor.