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Foreign PolicyHistoryInternationalOpinionPhilosophyPolitics

Kerry’s Speech: Read Between the Lines

On Tuesday, John “Jengis-Kaan” Kerry gave a speech to State Department personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Brazil. You can read more of his speech here.

Here are a few key parts that caught my attention:

“Well, folks,” he said, “ever since the end of the Cold War, forces have been unleashed that were tamped down for centuries by dictators, and that was complicated further by this little thing called the internet and the ability of people everywhere to communicate instantaneously and to have more information coming at them in one day than most people can process in months or a year.”

“It makes it much harder to govern, makes it much harder to organize people, much harder to find the common interest,” said Kerry, “and that is complicated by a rise of sectarianism and religious extremism that is prepared to employ violent means to impose on other people a way of thinking and a way of living that is completely contrary to everything the United States of America has ever stood for. So we need to keep in mind what our goals are and how complicated this world is that we’re operating in.”

At first glance I believed he was extolling the virtues of mass media or the idea that the ability of mass, instantaneous information was in part responsible for spreading freedom. But then I kept reading and can only conclude this is once again a centralized government supporter that cannot help but spill the beans about how they want total control.

What forces were unleashed after the Cold War? It actually reads as if he’s saddened by this weakening-dictator magic called the internet, or perhaps he is sad these unknown forces have overcome them. By his actions and testimony from 1971 you could easily conclude the man really doesn’t mind dictators and their liberty-hating habits and inevitable violence.

He then proceeds to inform and enlighten everyone to just how stupid we are. Because, you know, the amount of information and the speed at which it is spread is just too much for the common man to comprehend.

The second paragraph does exactly what libs always do. They manage to straight up tell you their game plan, but no one seems to pay attention until it’s too late.

“An informed public is harder to govern”, he says. This is not espousing freedom. He is lamenting the limiting power an informed public creates for the nanny stater.

We may not know the half of what these clowns are really up to, but with the internet they certainly have their work to hide it cut out for them. They scramble to hide their incompetence by reserving anything remotely damaging for the Friday night and weekend news dumps. This is where they attempt to cover their poor decisions and leadership failures.

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Ron Collins

Ron Collins was born in '70. Raisin' chickens and shootin' groundhogs by 5. A little bit hillbilly, a little bit city boy, but always an unashamed and politically incorrect American. Best advice he took from his father: 'Find your heroes among American History not Hollywood or the sports arena.'