HEY, SHARPTON: White couple brutally beaten by black mob in New Orleans

On Saturday, a couple walking through the French Quarter was severely beaten in what appears to be yet another act of violence, motivated by racism.
Around 6 a.m., the couple was approached by three young black men near the intersection of Iberville and Dauphine Streets. The suspects quickly surrounded the couple and without warning, physically assaulted both of them, according to police.
The Times-Picayune reported:
The woman was punched in the mouth, police said, and her male companion was struck several times by the group. The man was beaten so badly that his jaw broke, requiring him to be hospitalized and undergo surgery, police said.
Three plates were inserted into the 27-year-old male victim’s jaw.
Images of the three suspects were captured by a security camera and police are now asking for the public’s help in their arrest.
Anyone with information on this crime is urged to call Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111 or 877-903-7867. Callers can remain anonymous and can receive a $2,500 reward if their information leads to an indictment.