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THIS THANKSGIVING: Have Some FUN By Bringing Up Hillary’s LOSS To LIBERAL Relatives!

Liberals are prepping their game for the Thanksgiving discussion. Check it out:

Do you think after Thanksgiving dinner your evening will look like this:

It could! Liberals have been creating talking points for the Thanksgiving gathering.

Resentful liberals across the country are thankful that Thanksgiving is an opportunity to insult relatives who may have voted for President-elect Donald Trump.

A slew of liberals in the news and entertainment world offer guides for like-minded lefties on what to do when forced to break bread with their supposedly “racist,” “bigoted,” and “misogynistic” relatives…

…But the one bit of advice that seemed o appear most often among the lists of the left’s suggestions for Thanksgiving was to just skip it and stay home safe in their liberal, big city enclaves.

“Consider canceling your plans,” Yahoo News wrote. insisted that “some millennials, particularly the more liberal ones, are choosing to opt out of the festivities this year — their wounds too fresh.” And for WBUR psychologist Dr. Patricia Harney noted that many of her patients are looking to “change plans to avoid the emotional challenges and potential conflicts.”
Read more: Breitbart

scott-heinsGothamist columnist, Scott Heins laments his father voting for Trump and how best to handle it and to consider it a ‘Progressive duty’:

And so now I find myself one of the worried traveling from a liberal redoubt back to a face-to-face showdown with a Trump voter. If your situation is similar and you’re dreading confrontation with family members and close friends, don’t despair. Now is the time to go home and engage…

…Running up against my dad’s bigotry and misogyny is the worst part of our relationship. I’ve learned countless important lessons from him in my life and I know he helped give me and my sister the opportunities we’ve had, but I can’t square that all with the hatred. When his convictions boil down to bias, it makes me want to lash out—to scold and shout him back to the 1950s. But I try my best to remain calm and find some way to connect.

“Calling somebody a racist will make them defensive, and when someone’s defensive you can’t have a useful conversation,” said Monnica Williams, a professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut and an expert on racial bias. “There’s no learning going on. There’s no change of perspective.”

samantha-bee Comedian Samantha Bee’s ‘Full Frontal’ has quite a list of suggestions on taking on the Trump supporters. From using Xanax to accelerate ‘the peaceful effects of tryptophan’ to these:

– If the relative saying grace before dinner is a Republican, just take a knee.

– Preempt any discussions of Trump’s cabinet selections by inviting a gay friend over and telling everyone you’re getting engaged.

– Calmly and reasonably explain to your uncle why Donald Trump was the wrong choice for president while your uncle quietly bleeds to death on the floor, the carving knife protruding from his chest.

kevin-drum Mother Jones columnist, Kevin Drum has some advice on dealing with ‘crazy right-wing relatives at Thanksgiving’. He suggests that in order to persuade conservatives, liberals should actually learn what conservatives think by watching FOX, though, it’s not for him:

You’d have to actually watch Fox News for a while to make sure you know what’s really on conservatives’ minds these days. Listening to a bit of talk radio and reading some chain emails would help too. And that’s not all. You’d almost certainly have to team up with an actual conservative to help you understand both the worldview at work and the kinds of arguments that might appeal to his ideological comrades-in-arms. And why would a conservative help you with this project? Beats me. Maybe you could trade: you get some arguments that appeal to actual conservatives and he gets some arguments that appeal to actual liberals.

ron-reagan-jr The great disappointment to Republicans, Ron Reagan, Jr., said that liberals shouldn’t go home if the Trump-supporting relatives live in a state with ‘conceal carry’ laws — presumably because angry, violent ‘Uncle Bob’ the conservative will shoot you. Watch the jackasssery on MSNBC. (Sorry about the redundancy with ‘jackassery’ and ‘MSNBC’.)

Aaand we’re the ‘hatemongers’?

Tell us more about your ‘Liberal tolerance’ as you joke about murder with a carving knife.

In stark contrast, conservatives are not looking to be a-holes, but will respond if provoked:

On the day after the election, Ms. [Nancy] Sundin asked her brother, a firefighter who voted for Mr. Trump, to stop texting her. “I told him I was trying to explain to my children ‘why hate wins,’” she said. “His response back was, ‘I get to explain to my children why their opinion matters.’” She has not talked to him since. “I think I’ll give that one some time,” she said.

Ms. Sundin and her mother recently talked. They met for coffee in a Target, as is their habit. Still, Ms. Sundin has decided to spend Thanksgiving with a few friends and her husband and children, not with her extended family. Her mother is taking it in stride.

“It doesn’t matter,” she said. “I love her to pieces. I don’t want to change anything with my Nancy. I want her to be just the way she is.”
Read more: New York Times

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker