BIDEN’S BROKEN BORDER: Kamala Appointed, Pumps Brakes … What’s REALLY Going On Here?

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Remember the objections to a Biden candidacy? He was a supposedly ‘moderate’ placeholder for a far more extreme political agenda. A Trojan Horse. This isn’t helping any.
When photos leaked out, showing that Biden was in over his head with the broken border, he took quick and decisive action.
He told America he had shuffled that job off into the portfolio of someone else someone far more competent for the task than himself… Kamala Harris.
Some speculated he did this because it was a poison pill destined to destroy her. Others speculated he was ramping up her responsibility so that he could pass off the Presidency to her at some point in the future.
Reaction to her being appointed to oversee the border crisis (have they even admitted it’s a crisis yet?) was not enthusiastic.
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey this week slammed Harris as the “worst possible choice,” telling reporters in Tucson that Biden had “completely trivialized the issue by putting someone in charge who flat-out just doesn’t care.”
“At no point in her career has [Harris] given any indication that she considers the border a problem or a serious threat,” Ducey said. “If President Biden’s intent was to show that he’s taking this issue seriously, he’s really done the exact opposite.” –WashingtonExaminer
You think maybe it was the way she guffawed when asked if she’d be visiting the border?
Her team has made an announcement. Her attention will not be on the crisis itself, so much as the ‘root causes’ of the crisis.
A top aide to Vice President Kamala Harris tempered a White House announcement this week that she would oversee efforts to stem the flow of migrants at the southern border, a politically fraught task amid the growing crisis.
“The vice president is not doing the border,” Harris’s senior adviser and chief spokeswoman Symone Sanders told reporters on Friday, adding that the vice president is strictly dealing with the root causes of migration.
Sanders said the task would entail outreach to leaders in Mexico and the so-called “Northern Triangle” countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, calling it a “challenging situation.”
“It’s diplomatic work that needs to be done, and Vice President Harris is looking forward to doing it,” she said. –WashingtonExaminer
She shouldn’t have to look very far to find those root causes. They should be obvious, shouldn’t they?
We have created a perverse incentive structure where criminal cartels stand to make millions a day finding people to shuttle over an international border in a country promising all kinds of free benefits not available in their various countries of origin… which is reported to include would-be ‘asylum seekers’ crashing our border from countries around the globe, sometimes even China.
We have literally made it easier to enter our country illegally than legally. Incidentally, this is exactly the sort of new Americans the left would prefer to see more of.
I’m more than confident that Border Patrol agents would respectfully disagree with the secretary telling them how the current rate of 3,000 or more apprehensions a day doesn’t “pose an operational challenge,” especially as they’re experiencing a significant surge in families and unaccompanied minors. To suggest otherwise is absurd, insulting to the incredible men and women of CBP, and defies all reality of what it takes to protect our borders.
Make no mistake – the Biden administration is moving forward with its intended strategy of creating a system to release those who illegally cross our borders as fast as they can while simultaneously preventing the ability of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to lawfully remove them. They are essentially creating reception centers on the front end and a sanctuary country on the back end. —Hill