POLL: Majority Of Voters Are Concerned About President Biden’s Ability To ‘Do The Job’

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That seems weird for a guy that received a record 81 million votes, doesn’t it?
In the first few weeks of the new administration, CNN gushingly reported that Joe has a nice, gentle routine like someone in a nursing home. They even noted that he likes to have a fire going in the Oval Office fireplace and he sometimes “adds a log on” himself.
He has established a regular schedule, including coffee in the mornings with the first lady, meetings and phone calls from the Oval Office starting just after 9 a.m. and a return to his residence by 7 p.m. As he walks home along the Colonnade, he’s often seen carrying a stack of binders or manila folders under one arm. He still brings a brown leather briefcase into the office.
Source: CNN
But now, 50 days in, Joe Biden has yet to address the press solo.
Despite repeated promises from White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki that President Biden will indeed hold a press conference, she won’t commit to saying when that will be.
This is in stark contrast to his predecessor who was often criticized for his “Chopper Talk” Q&As with the press.
Still, access to POTUS is access to POTUS, and that’s just not happening.
The “Trump Bump” in ratings has morphed into the “Biden Slump”, triggering media layoffs. Now, news outlets are starting to notice that Biden’s been hidin’… even the Democrat cheerleaders in the press are criticizing the lack of access.
As CNN’s White House correspondent Kevin Liptak noted on Wednesday, “As we await word on when President Biden will hold his first solo press conference, an analysis of the past 100 years shows he is behind his 15 most recent predecessors, who all held a solo press conference within 33 days of taking office.”
Recently, a video went viral of the joint virtual event with the President and Speaker Pelosi after Joe says, “I’m happy to take questions if that’s what I’m supposed to do, Nance.”
Biden’s team cuts off the feed when he asks if he’s supposed to be taking questions. pic.twitter.com/NqhwLCXrjo
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 4, 2021
Could it be because Joe Biden just can’t handle the press?
President Biden sometimes answers questions shouted at him, but his aides often shoo away the press immediately after planned photo ops or escort the President away.
A recent Rasmussen poll shows that the voting public has noticed and a little more than half of the surveyed voters are “worried about his ability to do the job.”
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters say they are concerned that Biden has not held a press conference, including 37% who are Very Concerned. Twenty-four percent (24%) say they’re Not Very Concerned and 22% are Not At All Concerned. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Source: Rasmussen Reports
According to the glowing CNN report, President Biden seems to treat the Presidency as a 9-5 job and makes sure he’s back home by 7 pm and reads mail that has certainly been pre-sorted by his handlers.
He’s also hinted that he takes weekends off.
Another week in the books. pic.twitter.com/Q2u8fSS86Q
— President Biden (@POTUS) March 6, 2021
This is what America voted for?! A President that takes evenings and weekends off and won’t face the press?
At least we can take heart that at least the corporate media is suffering. They made their beds and now they have to lie in them.