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News Clash

PORTLAND: 9yo Girl Tag-Teamed In School Bathroom Was Molested TWICE Before

Her first complaint dates back to 3rd grade, but principal Jose Salinas did NOT get the police involved...

How many times do the right’s warnings about the consequences of weird new leftist agendas need to be proven true before the politicians start listening?

Once again we have the grim responsibility of sharing the news that a young girl was violently exploited by two males in the bathroom of her public school. This time, the victim was only nine years old. Worse, it was the third time she had been attacked. Unspeakably worse even than those horrible facts — the school officials whose job it is to protect her and involve the police protected her assailants instead.

From the very beginning there was precisely ONE concern at the heart of almost every objection to the trans bathroom debate.

Going all the way back to the early controversy around toilets in Target, and before, the warnings came down to the risks of safet to women and young girls when they were in vulnerable places and states of undress.

The same people who, at one point, could barely write a news piece about men without wedging the words ‘toxic masculinity’ into it were so sold on faddish sexual identity agendas that they could not bring themselves to imagine a situation where bad men would game the system to exploit an opportunity with vulnerable women.

It’s the very same knee-jerk response that has pushed politicians and other officials to champion dudes in dresses taking over women’s sport, violent male offenders serving time in women’s prisons, or rushing to embrace ‘gender-affirming’ medical practices without even assessing the complicating factors behind their struggle with gender identity in the first place.

We’ve failed to rule out complicating factors like autism, for instance, or social contagion. For that matter, as in the instance of the high-profile case of Nex Benedict who death was ruled a suicide, even a trauma response to sexual abuse at the hand of a family member. By the time we figure out the system has failed them, they have suffered irreversible harms.

Social pressure to celebrate and affirm anyone claiming a niche sexual identity status is now so great that it is dangerous to even criticize such a person. Just ask the Loudon County father who was (rightly) outraged at the school board for sweeping the sexual assault of his daughter under the rug.

The principal of a Portland school where a nine-year-girl was allegedly gang-raped is being slammed for not taking the case to cops as a lawsuit from the girl’s family claims that there were two prior incidents of sexual assault against the little girl.

A $9million lawsuit was filed last month by the family of the unidentified girl who was allegedly attacked in the bathroom of her elementary school by two boys.

The lawsuit alleges that in 2022, when the little girl was in third grade at Scott Elementary School in Portland, a classmate touched her genitals over her clothing without her permission.

A teacher was overseeing the class in which the alleged sexual assault took place, according to the lawsuit. In another incident, a student tried to kiss the girl without her consent – which caused the girl to hit him in self defense.

Then in April 2022, two other students in the after-school group, Schools Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN), told the little girl they would ‘find out where she lived’ unless she told the teacher she was going to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, the students removed her pants and took turns forcibly penetrating the girl as she begged them to stop, according to the lawsuit, which was obtained by Oregon Live.

They took turns blocking the door to the bathroom stall as the other raped her, the lawsuit alleges.

When the parent of one of the male students involved found out about the disturbing incident, he notified school staffers.

However, instead of going to the cops with the deeply concerning claims, the school’s staff members took matters into their own hands, according to the legal filing.

‘PPS staff undertook their own internal investigation,’ the lawsuit said. — DailyMail

We’ve been hammering this issue for a long, long time.

GAY RADICALS: Girls ‘Harassed’ In School Bathroom By Transgender Student Told His Rights Trump Their Privacy (October 2013)

Watch: ‘Do You Want Men In Women’s Bathrooms’ Video Is Causing A Big Stir – Do You Like It?

As for women’s sports, we made a robust defence of gender difference in this story way back in 2017:

36yr. Old Man Identifies As 6yr. Old – Wins T-Ball Game With EPIC Home Run!

It’s never been a question about men being intimidated by women invading men’s spaces. Women have raised concerns for their safety, and that of young girls.

And, as has always been the case in history, decent men have wanted to protect women and children from the creeps that walk among us.

Not only are good men being proven right to raise the alarm on this issue, but one after one the ‘settled science’ at the heart of the trans movement is being refuted by studies.

Some examples in the news cycle right now:

Study shows most gender-confused people will eventually grow out of it without medical interventions…

A majority of children who are confused about their sex grow out of that feeling by the time they become adults, according to a 15-year-old study.

The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Groningenin in the Netherlands, involved surveying 2,770 sex-confused children every three years and asking them about their feelings on the matter, according to a report by Daily Mail.

At the start of the research, about one in ten children (11 percent) reportedly expressed “gender non-contentedness” to varying degrees, but by the age of 25, only one in 25 (4 percent) said they “often” or “sometimes” felt discontent with their sex.

“The results of the current study might help adolescents to realize that it is normal to have some doubts about one’s identity and one’s gender identity during this age period and that this is also relatively common,” the researchers concluded. —Breitbart

The ‘temporary’, ‘reversible’, and ‘harmless’ puberty blockers are being denounced even in a comparatively left-leaning site like The Hill.

Imagine if American doctors told parents the following truths. The mental health benefits of puberty blockers are highly uncertain, according to multiple systematic reviews of the evidence, the bedrock of evidence-based medicine. The World Health Organization says the evidence is “limited and variable.” There is no research into long-term harms, but some evidence suggests decreased IQ and brittle bones. Permanent sterility is guaranteed for minors who go through full hormonal “transition.” Sexual dysfunction appears to be extremely common as well. Over 93 percent of kids who take these drugs go on to cross-sex hormones, which lead to permanent physical changes including excruciating genital growth, vaginal atrophy and tearing and much higher risk for cancer and cardiovascular disease.
There is no credible evidence that puberty blockers function as suicide-prevention measures. Finland’s top gender clinician has called the suicide narrative “purposeful disinformation” and “dangerous.” For all these reasons, health authorities in a growing number of countries, including some of the most LGBT-friendly, are now prioritizing talk therapy. —The Hill

Not so very long ago, many of these claims would have been denounced as transphobic ‘bigotry’ and ‘misinformation’. Just as they did with dissenters in the pandemic, Big Tech would routinely shut people down over this… or less.

The science is finally catching up to what the rest of us have been saying all along.

Check out ClashRadio for more wit and wisdom from ClashDaily’s Big Dawg. While you’re at it, here’s his latest book:

If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive

Much of the Left loathes masculinity and they love to paint Jesus as a non-offensive bearded woman who endorses their agenda. This book blows that nonsense all to hell. From the stonking laptop of bestselling author, Doug Giles, comes a new book that focuses on Jesus’ overt masculine traits like no other books have heretofore. It’s informative, bold, hilarious, and scary. Giles has concluded, after many years of scouring the scripture that, If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive. 

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck