From Chicken To Champion For Christ (Intro to the Book of Mark)
Is there hope of a future, even when you screw up your life big-time?
NEWSFLASH: YOU Don’t Get To Decide What Marriage Is
by Jennifer Johnson Clash Daily Guest Contributor There is a lot of controversy over the Catholic annulment process, both within…
WUSSIFICATION: You Won’t BELIEVE Who Has New 12 Step Program … For White Privilege!
COMING TO A CHURCH Near You? 'Racists Anonymous'.
Big Government, Who Needs It? ‘Bitter Clingers’ Are Louisiana’s REAL Heroes
THE CHURCH RISING UP to Help Those Who Are Swamped in Louisiana.
Why There Are Not Enough Handcuffs to Turn Around America
Why America Needs a Whole Lot More Than a New President
The answer to what America needs is a whole lot more than a new president.
How Directing Some of Your Giving Into America Might Make a BIG Difference
How Christians' Directing Some of their giving into America Might Make a BIG Difference.
CHRISTIAN: Do You Believe JESUS Wants You To Help Build A MOSQUE In The US?
You won't believe what some Christians are doing.
MUHAMMAD ALI’S DEATH Is Being Used as a Platform to Foment Racial Hostility
Muhammad Ali's death is being used as a platform to foment hostility between the races.
If You’re Looking for Truth, You Won’t Find It On the TV or Internet…But HERE
If you are searching for a discussion on truth for real life situations, check this out.
Why Are Christians Looking for ‘Someone Else’ to Do What Has to Be Done to Rescue America?
TOO MANY CHRISTIANS Are Looking for "Someone Else" to Do What Has to Be Done to Rescue America.
Can Pastors Only ‘Hope’ Donald Trump Will Turn Out Better Than Hillary?
Pastors who are encouraging their people to support Donald Trump can only hope he will be better than Hillary.
DEAR AMERICA: Will You ‘Honor God’ by ‘Saying No to Anti-Muslim Bigotry’?
If you live in this city, you may have seen one of these signs.
THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SAVIOR: Jesus the ‘Intolerant Bigot’
“The Gospel of Christ doesn’t care about ‘tolerance.’ It cares about truth.” These words caused me to look up from…
SHOCKING: Christian Admits His HATRED…You Won’t Believe This
I have finally decided to come clean. I suspect that many of you have realized it for years. In fact,…
America’s Pastors Don’t Need a ‘Protection Act’ — They Need Some Stones
I now think that I have just about heard of it all. In my wildest dreams I could not have…
Pastor Leaves The Pulpit to Campaign for Presidential Candidate — Do You Agree?
“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink…
Satan’s Favorite Politician Says THIS Is Her Favorite Christian Hymn
Hillary, the woman who “is in no ways tired” of pretending she has a normal marriage, who approves of the…
There’s A Big Problem America’s Churches Are Facing Today…And Here’s The Truth About It
What a mess our world is in. What a mess America is in. What a mess the church is in.…
An Open Letter To Pope Francis On Things That Are NONE Of His Business
Dear Pope Francis, I briefly ran a blog that contained the following tagline: “Get involved in politics. Surely, it is involved in you.” …
HERE IT IS: The TRUTH About the ‘Separation of Church and State’ Myth
The American church has a problem. It’s one part fear, one part confusion and one part apathy. Pastors, priests and…
ISLAM AND LIBERALISM: Twin ‘Beasts of the Apocalypse’
Mankind’s enduring “culture war” is nothing new. It first began in a garden long ago and today has reached a…
SAY HELLO TO ‘EURABIA’: Rape, Birth-Bombs and An Islamic Invasion of Europe
The recent visit by the Pope in the United States, and Cuba, has pointed up a few things that should…
THE POPE AND SCIENCE: He Should Stick To Being A Pope Instead
As we all know, Pope Francis visited the United States after journeying to Cuba. His trip to America consisted of…
RABID ANTI-GOD GROUPS: They Strangely Don’t Seem to Mind the Pope’s America Visit
Ever notice how the left readily goes for brute force to shove their agenda down throats? On the flip-side, notice…