WATCH: Rashida Tlaib Talks About ARRESTING White House Officials

At a townhall meeting in her home district, the freshman Congresswoman spoke giddily about arrest and detainment of members of the Trump administration.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib(D-MI) the woman who is currently selling “Impeach the M*****F****r” t-shirts as a fundraising tool after she famously said it at a event in 2018 also wants to arrest the people surrounding the President who fail to comply with Congressional subpoenas related to the impeachment inquiry.
One of her constituents said, regarding members of the Trump administration and the impeachment inquiry, “I would appreciate it if you would go to the impeachment committee and say to them, that when the subpoena is issued, that if they [White House officials] go around and say that they are not going to comply, they have federal marshalls that will hunt them down and bring them in if they refuse them and go to jail.”
Tlaib nodded and began by saying that the situation is “unprecedented” and that the Democrat caucus has discussed who does the arresting and where White House officials would be detained.
“This is the first time we’ve ever had a situation like this. So they’re trying to figure out, no joke, is it the D.C. police that goes and gets them? We don’t know. Where do we hold them?” she responded.
Tlaib said that her colleagues are “trying to tread carefully” because this is “uncharted territory.”
She then joked that they could hold the White House officials in Detroit. “We’ll take care of them and make sure they show up to the committee hearings,” chuckled Tlaib.
There are two things that are very clear about Rashida Tlaib…
She’s a wee bit off her rocker…
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And she’s vindictive.
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It’s a dangerous combination.