Gone With the Wind: The Aftermath of the GREEN Movement
AMERICA HAS a lot In Common with Europe -- and It Ain't All Good.
PATRIOTS: America’s Got SERIOUS Problems… Are YOU Angry Yet?
The SERIOUS PROBLEMS facing America ought to make responsible citizens angry.
ARE THEY MENTAL? Economist Wonders Why ANYONE Would Support HILLARY
ECONOMIST/RADIO HOST LARRY KUDLOW is befuddled by the Pro-Hillary Vote.
THIS ‘OPERATION’ Has Worked To Solve Our Immigration Crisis BEFORE… Why Not Use It AGAIN?
'OPERATION PAPERCLIP' is a Possible, Constitutional Solution to Our Illegal Immigration Crisis
TRUMP Rolls Dice Meeting Mexican President… Did He WIN BIG or Go BUST?
DID DONALD TRUMP CAMPAIGN WIN With Mexican President Meeting Gamble?
LEFTIST HYPOCRISY: ‘All Cultures Are EQUAL, But Some Are MORE Equal Than Others’
HYPOCRITICAL LEFTISTS Offer Mixed Message on 'Diversity'.
Was Hillary Right? Breaking Down Hillary’s ‘Alt-Right’ Speech.
SOMEONE'S GOTTA SAY IT: Hillary Clinton Does Constitutional Conservatives a Favor.
THIS NEUTERED Democrat’s ‘Definition of Courage’ Will Make You HOWL!
GERALDO RIVERA'S -- and the Democrats' -- Bizarre Definition of Courage.
DEMOCRAT BULLIES: Republicans in Cross-hairs to Push for Hillary Win
DEMOCRATS are targetting REPUBLICANS to Push Hillary Rodham Clinton Into the White House
The GOP NEEDS TO CLEANSE ITSELF of Deadly, Anti-Trump Toxins.
QUESTION: Should An Unemployed Machinist in Ohio, Give A Sh*t About ‘Resettling Refugees’
Does Fox News contributor demonstrate RACISM FROM A LIBERAL Toward Syrian Refugees?
‘MULITICULTURALISM’ Is No Excuse for Destroying What Has Made America Great
'MULITICULTURALISM' Is No Excuse for Destroying What Has Made America Great.
Those Who Want to Live in America Need to Assimilate or Extricate — Do You Agree?
GINGRICH IS CORRECT: Those Who Want to Live in America Need to Assimilate or Extricate.
Will November 8, 2016 Spell the Beginning of a New American Revolution?
DOES NOVEMBER 8, 2016 -- election day -- Spell the Beginning of a New American Revolution?
TRUMP VS. HILLARY: Why You Shouldn’t Give In to the Hysteria Vote
Regarding Trump, Hillary, the upcoming election: Americans mustn't give In to the Hysteria Vote!
How HILLARY Is a Savant of Washington Insider Corruption
HILLARY CLINTON Is a Savant -- of Washington Insider Corruption
If Aussie Gun Control Is Right for America, Why Not Aussie Immigration, Too?
If the Left wants to insist Australian-style gun control is right for America, Why Not Aussie-style Immigration, too?
John Kerry Assures Americans Islamic Refugees Pose No Threat — Do You Believe Him?
John Kerry Assures Americans Islamic Refugees Pose No Threat.
How Will the BREXIT Bombshell Affect America?
Will this affect us here?
MEXICO CONTROLS Their Southern Border — So, Why Shouldn’t America Control Theirs?
If Mexico can control her southern border, why can't America control hers?
DEAR OBAMA: Is #Orlando Just Another Case of Work-Place Violence?
Is the Florida Night Club Rampage Just Another Case of Work-Place Violence?
An OPEN Letter to Cleveland Delegates BEFORE You Vote Against We the People
I have been a Republican since 1989. Whether I—and millions like me--remain one after July 21st is entirely up to…
After Almost EIGHT Years of Barack Obama — When Will Enough Be Enough?
We have had enough!
Why America NEEDS This Rebel’s Approach to Dealing with Threats Against Us
To deal with the threats facing America, we need a 'Pancho Villa' type approach to defeating them.
TRUMP: For Americans Who Are Mad as HELL and Aren’t Going to Take It Anymore
Donald Trump gives and outlet to those Americans who are angry and are not going to take it anymore.
Why We Should DEMAND Our Government’s Priorities to Be Those of ‘We the People’
The priorities of Barack Obama and Congress Don't Line Up with Those of "We the People".
Is the AMERICAN FLAG Politically Incorrect to Fly on Memorial Day 2016?
There are places in America where flying the American Flag, Old Glory, is considered inappropriate. Do you agree with this?
The Truth About America Welcoming Muslims vs. Rejecting of Jewish Refugees in WWII
In WW II, America refused to receive desperate Jewish refugees fleeing Europe -- yet we welcome Muslims who refuse to…
HOW THE REPUBLICAN PARTY Abdicated to Donald Trump
How the Republican elites paved the way for Donald Trump.
Did You Know About THIS SCOTUS Case That May THREATEN America’s Sovereignty?
While the nation’s attention is focused on the presidential election battles, the U.S. Supreme Court is quietly deliberating over an…
QUESTION: If One ‘HATES’ America … Should We Accommodate Them?
There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer…
QUESTION: Is Obama Complicit in Illegal Alien Crime Sprees?
While the pretend news was telling us about the horrific flooding in Houston, Texas, they were making sure that we…
The US Is Giving MILLIONS to Build a WALL — And You’ll Never Guess Where…
My take on a couple of things… From time to time Americans have to go to war. You don’t have…
Hillary’s LOVES Illegals… Wants to Remove a ‘HASSLE’ From Their Plight (Get Ready To See Red)
Hillary Clinton continues to battle that pesky Sen. Bernie Sanders for the democrat presidential nomination. She can’t be happy that…