Man Stuff
QUESTION: Where Have All The Real Men Gone In The US?
This past weekend, I noticed something from watching a little TV and experiencing an event in person, and that is…
HOW TO HOLD A BABY FOR DUDES: Including the ‘Box of Beers’ and ‘Rugby Ball’ Holds Guys, if you just had a baby and you’re wondering what the best techniques are for holding your baby,…
MAN STUFF: This Dude Just Took a Crap On Guys Who Shave Their Beards What do you think dudes? To shave or not to shave? This guy gives you the tools to not…
FOR DADS: Here Are 5 Things Your Kids Will Never Forget
Hey Dads, here are things that your kids will look back on and never forget. Remember what an important role…
POWERFUL: Man Takes Terminally Ill Dog On Awesome Cross-Country Bucket List Trip
This gives a whole new meaning to ‘man’s best friend’. This man took his terminally ill dog on the adventure…
THIS: 8 Lessons in Manhood from the Vikings
The Vikings have some lessons in manhood that could be used today by every dude to fulfill their purpose and…
Crates of explosives, a rocket launcher, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Boom goes the dynamite!
You won’t believe what a ball chain does to watermelon. Enjoy.
WUSSIFICATION: ‘Diet Whiskey’ Is Now Available For Male Tinker Pots
Since when are guys thinking about their figure while drinking Whiskey? What in tarnation is this abortion of all that…
8 Reasons Why Hillary ‘s Campaign Will Be An Epic Trainwreck
In some ways, conservatives could only hope that Hillary will run for President considering what a train wreck it would…
YEEHAW: Watch This Redneck Drink Whiskey And Do Backflips In The Trailer Park This redneck is doing life with whiskey and backflips. Watch what happens after he chugs his concoction.
36 Reasons Why There Are More Women Than Men
If you’ve ever wondered why there are more women in the world than men, no need to look any further.…
DUDE STUFF: The Rock Eats 10lbs Of Food Daily And Here’s His Beast Regiment
Can you smell what The Rock is cookin’? Cause it’s about ten pounds of food per day. Like many people…
MONDAY’S BAD-@SS VIDEO CLIP: Firing The M60 Machine Gun In Ultra Slow Motion
This is serious dude stuff. Here’s some badass slow motion footage of the M60 “Pig.” Get Doug Giles’ new…
Get the Audiobook here, for $5 by Doug Giles If metrosexual pop culture, feminized public schools and the effeminate branches…
DUDE STUFF: New Book On Vikings Killing Bigfoot Is Definitely Not 50 Shades of Grey
The new book “Vikings: The Bigfoot Saga” by Gayne C. Young is guaranteed to be what every dude needs for…
THIS RACE CAR CHICK: Pretends To Be A Nerdy Student Driver… Hilarity Ensues
This girl’s troll level is through the roof. Watch what happens when she gets in the car with these driving…
WHY WOMEN NEED TO START ASKING DUDES OUT: Chick Says, ‘Because Men Have No Balls’
Do twenty something year old women today have a set of boys, instead of men, on their hands? Unfortunately, as this…
BAD-ASS: Schwarzenegger’s Zombie Movie HD, ‘Maggie’ Official TRAILER (2015) If you like Zombies and Arnold Schwarzenegger, this is one movie to get excited about.
AMERICA IS SCREWED: Unless ‘We The People’ Get Baptized In Our Founders’ Rebel Spirit
For those who didn’t know this, our nation was founded by brilliant, freedom-loving bad-asses. It’s hard to imagine that nowadays…
DOWNLOAD: Do You Have A Pit-Bull Attitude?
Do You Have A Pit-bull Attitude? is comprised of 12 tracks, each packing 1000 cc’s of uncut, pit-bull adrenaline, guaranteed…
BEFORE BUYING A USED GUN: 5 Things You Gotta Do To Avoid Getting Screwed
If you’re looking to buy a used gun instead of a new one, there are some cautions that you should…
DOWNLOAD: God’s Warriors & Wildmen – Why Men Hate Church And What To Do About It
Running time about 40 minutes, purchase for $5.00: So why do most men avoid church? Here’s the veneer-stripped-away answer: going…
HUNTERS & SEX: Men Returning from the Hunt Experience Rush of “Love Hormones”
Ladies, you might wanna tell your man to go hunting if you want him to be more romantic. Outdoor Hub…
EVA MENDES: Calls Sweatpants ‘Number One Cause of Divorce’
Eva Mendes gives her perspective on women wearing sweatpants around their husbands. What do you think? Mendes, 41, said that…
WUSSIFICATION: Male Actors Used To Be Masculine, Now Most Are Tiny Tinkerpots Required To Cry On Cue
Remember the old days when you could literally look up to male actors? Why has so much changed since then?…
WUSSIFICATION: Never Trust Anyone Who Hasn’t Been Punched In The Face
Being punched in the face shows true grit, which will help to combat the moral ills of society. Through human…
BALLSY OR BRAINLESS: Dude Jumps In Water and Catches Shark with His Bare Hands
This guy either has some big cojones or is just plain stupid. What do you think?
BOOM: Deer Collision Makes Longboarder Face Plant… Skidding Down Road
Can you say, splat? This longboarder gets a surprise while riding in the Ozarks. Get Doug Giles’ new book,…
YOUNG MORON: Gets In the Face of Security Guard and Gets Knocked Out with One Punch! You’re all tough until you get knocked out, right? This kid won’t be messing with security guards anymore.
AMERICAN MANLINESS: Truth Haters and Their Emasculation of America
The disdain liberals have for Western virility is not surprising. America’s traditional male virtues are not compatible with a culture…
MORON: Facebook Troll Challenges UFC Vet To A Fight…Watch What Happens
Some dudes just don’t learn their lesson until they get the crap beat out of them. Unilad – Patrick Martin…
WUSSIFICATION: ‘Men’s Dresses’ Are New York Fashion Week’s Latest Trend
And we wonder why America is getting their butts handed to them in Global Affairs. This is why. On the…
JIHAD THIS: How To Get Your Name On A 500lb Bomb
By Ben Philippi Have you ever wondered how one goes about getting your name on a bomb? Well, it’s easier…
ZOMBIE DOWN: Top 10 The Walking Dead Zombie Kills
If you like The Walking Dead, you’ll love this. Takes notes if you wanna be ready for the Zombie Apocalypse.