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YO DEMS: Is This Ilhan Omar Clip More Embarrassing Than Joe’s Debate? (Watch)

Not a word of it was in English... but that's not the crazy part

Ilhan Omar get’s really testy when you question her loyalties. So why is she smiling when a prominent foreign-born supporter does the same thing?

There have always been red flags we could point to when questioning the true intentions of Squad member Ilhan Omar. We can link to a few of the doozies from days gone by.

But even if there had never been a single red flag before right now… how does she explain having a former President of a foreign country address a crowd in a foreign language, announcing that she does NOT represent the issues of her state or even of America. She goes to Congress to represent the issues of Somalia.

Here’s a post to give the context:

Here’s the video itself:

For a party that spends all it’s time huffing and puffing about political rivals being ‘bought’ by hostile foreign interests, this seems like a betrayal of the voters that sent her to Washington.

At what point a does this become evidence of Ilhan acting as an unregistered foreign lobbyist?

And have you noticed there sure are a lot of Democrats who are facing charges for illicitly taking foreign bribes to influence their votes, or, in thier President’s case, a formal impeachment inquiry?

Let’s recall some of the earlier red flags that told us she’s really not all that interested in America’s best interests, starting with the big one in her own words from this past January:

UH-OH Ilhan Omar’s Speech Shows Her REAL Priorities In Congress… (Hint: NOT America)

That by itself should be disqualifying.  As is this.

Corroboration: 2nd Witness Testifies To Ilhan Omar Being Asset For Qatar & Iran

So should this one, where they’re asked to take sides on whether they support or denounce Al Qaeda:

WATCH: If ‘The Squad’ Loves America So VERY Much, Why Can’t They Answer This Simple Question?

Here’s our ‘greatest hits’ list in a couple of categories:

Her obvious Anti-Americanism, whether stated or demonstrated:


Evidence of corruption/sketchy behavior

The ‘other’ stuff

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck